SAT Test Day Checklist

Preparing for the ACT or SAT can be a nerve-wracking experience, but the night before the big day is crucial for setting the tone. Here's a checklist to ensure you're ready to tackle the exam with confidence:

  1. Plan Your Route: Familiarize yourself with the testing center's location and the reporting time. Avoid last-minute confusion by knowing the details well in advance.

  2. Set Multiple Alarms: Guard against the stress of oversleeping by setting multiple alarms—yours, your parents', and any other available alarms. Research suggests that reducing alertness the night before can be beneficial, and alarms can play a role in achieving this.

  3. Pack Essentials: Gather all necessary items the night before, including sharpened #2 pencils, erasers, a calculator with extra batteries, photo ID, printed testing ticket, and a noiseless watch. Be well-prepared to minimize stress on test day.

  4. Snack Smart: While some testing centers have restrictions on snacks, bring a bottle of water and a quick, easy snack like a granola bar or banana. If allowed, you can consume them during breaks to keep your energy levels up.

  5. Fuel Your Brain: Your brain burns a significant amount of calories, so the night before, opt for a dinner rich in carbohydrates, such as whole grain pastas and bread, along with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

  6. Plan Your Attire: Lay out layered and comfortable clothing the night before. Testing environments can vary, so be prepared for different temperatures.

  7. Prioritize Rest: Stay home the night before the test. Avoid the temptation to spend the night with friends, as it may lead to insufficient rest. Sleep in your own bed for the best chance of a good night's sleep.

  8. Early to Bed: Adjust your bedtime to ensure you get enough rest. If you're accustomed to going to bed at 11 p.m., try hitting the hay by 10 p.m. Create a relaxing atmosphere by playing a soothing playlist.

As you embark on this important journey, we at Vint Hill Educational Services wish you the very best on test day! If you have any questions or need support, feel free to reach out to us at 540-680-4004or You can also find valuable resources on our website at

Good luck!