Teachers, tutors, trainers, and coaches have been giving the best possible gifts all year. Education is a gift that none can take away. It increases in value over time and compounds exponentially when shared. Plus, you don't have to worry about where to store it.
Helping Students Recover from COVID-19 Setbacks
On the surface, the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are obvious: more than 50 million Americans have been sick and more than 900,000 have lost their lives. Small businesses have shuttered, millions have lost jobs and nearly everyone in the U.S. has been affected in one way or another.
But there are deeper impacts as well – and it may take a generation before we truly understand all of them. This is especially true of the pandemic’s effect on education. And that uncertain post-COVID future is why we need to work together right now so we can help students bounce back.
15 Tips to Choosing a Tutor
In recent years, and especially during COVID, the private tutoring industry has booming in the U.S. As a result, there are plenty of tutors out there, so the question is, how do you find the right one for you? We’re here with a list of the best way to choose your perfect tutor. Read on to find out more.
Benefits of Taking the SAT
The SAT Suite of Assessments helps students navigate their path through high school toward college and career, and offers a range of unique benefits to students.
Opens Doors to College
The SAT is an admission test that's widely accepted by U.S. colleges, and the College Board has programs to encourage all students to take advantage of higher education. Income-eligible SAT takers receive college application fee waivers and all students can opt in to Student Search Service® to receive free information about admission and financial aid from colleges, universities, and scholarship programs.
Builds Skills Over Time
The SAT Suite provides consistent feedback across assessments to help students stay on course and supports teachers as they adjust their instruction for students who are either ahead or behind. Learn more about how the assessments work together.
Prepares Students with Free Practice on Khan Academy
Students who take any test in the SAT Suite of Assessments have access to video lessons and will receive personalized SAT study resources based on their test results.Their Khan Academy® practice experience is tailored to meet individual student needs. Learn more about our partnership with Khan Academy.
Helps Students Plan Their Careers
Students can visit Roadtrip Nation to create free career roadmaps based on their interests. They can also explore college majors, watch videos for tips from experienced professionals, and see how to get to where they want to be.
Connects Students to Scholarship Opportunities
The National Merit Scholarship Program uses PSAT/NMSQT scores to identify candidates. And scholarships offered by new College Board partners use information from the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 to expand access to scholarship dollars. Visit Scholarships and Recognition to get the details.
Increases Access to AP and College Credit
Using results from the redesigned SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9, AP PotentialTM helps schools identify students likely to succeed in certain AP courses and AP Exams. These students are also notified of their potential directly. Find out how these tests help schools grow their AP programs.
Inspires Productive Practice
Within the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9, students encounter questions and tasks that closely resemble what is already happening in classrooms across the nation and the globe. This is why the best way to prepare for the assessments is to take challenging courses and to work hard in class. Learn more about these focused and useful assessments.
Vint Hill Educational Services offers mock tests for the ACT and SAT. These are taken in a group setting to simulate the testing environment. For the ACT and SAT, we will review the scores to see which test the student is scoring higher on. Since all colleges and universities accept both tests, it's beneficial to know if your child is scoring higher on the ACT or SAT. Check out our ACT versus SAT comparison chart for test differences. Sometimes the difference is like night and day, and for others, it may be a hairline higher on one versus the other. The student won't know which test is better, unless the individual takes one of each. We'll use our score concordance chart in order to make a test recommendation.
The role of executive functioning in learning has been researched for many decades, and we now know that executive skills play important roles in literacy learning, and especially in successful reading comprehension. In the book by Kelly Cartwright, Executive Skills and Reading Comprehension: A Guide for Educators (2015, Guilford Press), the author explores this connection in detail and provides suggestions for supporting students who have weak executive skills.
Cartwright explains:
“Children who have difficulties with reading comprehension, despite having age-appropriate word reading skills, have lower levels of executive skills than their peers with better comprehension. These discoveries are important for all educators because reading comprehension is the foundation for all other learning in school: students cannot understand, enjoy, or respond to literature without effective reading comprehension; likewise, students cannot gather new information from science, math, or social studies texts when they don’t understand what they read. (p.3)”
What are executive function skills and how do they support reading comprehension?
Cartwright suggests we think of the term executive skills as an umbrella term that refers to a set of mental tools we use to manage tasks and achieve goals, and that these skills can be grouped into three core areas: cognitive flexibility, working memory, and inhibition.
Executive skills involve regulating one’s own thinking to achieve desired goals. Cartwright notes that “Executive skills emerge early in life and develop across childhood and beyond. Even in very young students, executive skills enable the self-control that is necessary to remember classroom routines, pay attention to a teacher’s direction, and inhibit inappropriate behaviors.”
Here is a summary of how these core skills affect reading comprehension (p. 8-9):
Cognitive Flexibility: is the ability to shift attention from one activity to another or to actively switch back and forth between important components of a task. When reading, skilled comprehenders actively shift focus between many things, such as word and text meanings, letter-sound information, and syntactic (sentence grammar) information.
Working Memory: is the capacity for holding information in mind while working with part of that information. When building text meaning, a good comprehender must keep in mind the various text ideas presented, note the causal links between them, and update the meaning as he encounters new ideas in text.
Inhibition: is the ability to resist engaging in a habitual response as well as the ability to ignore distracting information – i.e., to think before acting. Good comprehenders must inhibit activation of inappropriate word meanings or irrelevant connections to ideas encountered in texts.
Cartwright also addresses additional, more complex executive skills:
Planning: involves setting and working toward a goal
Organizing: involves ordering and sequencing information or subtasks in ways that support a common goal
You cannot reach a goal without a plan, and you can do so most effectively if you are aware of the steps you need to take, in the proper order, to ensure that your goal is met. These two skills work hand-in-hand to support reading comprehension. Good readers begin with a plan and goals to understand and they organize their approach to reading.
In addition, Cartwright points out that the level of a student’s executive skills will also affect his motivational or social-emotional processes – i.e., differences in students’ executive skills will be reflected in both their cognitive and social-emotional ability. For example:
Students with strong executive functioning ability are able to effectively manage and control their own behavior, regulate thinking and learning, regulate their emotional processes, have peer relations, and have strong emotional processes.
Students who are impulsive and emotionally reactive have difficulty controlling their own behavior, interacting with peers, sticking to classroom routines, focusing on task, and ignoring irrelevant information.
Here are some of the chapters in Cartwright’s book:
Plans and Goals: Getting Ready to Read
Organization: Why Text and Reader Organization Matter
Cognitive Flexibility: Juggling Multiple Aspects of Reading
Working Memory: Holding and Linking Ideas in Mind While Reading
Inhibition and Impulse Control: Resisting Distractions to Support Comprehension
Social Understanding: The importance of Mind Reading for Reading Comprehension
Other Resources Related to Executive Functioning and Reading
If you are interested in this topic, it is highly recommend you review the work of Lynn Meltzer at The Research Institute for Learning and Development. Her book Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom (2010, Guilford Press) provides very useful suggestions for understanding and assessing executive function processes and creating a classroom wide executive function culture that fosters strategy use for reading. Meltzer has chapters on goal setting, planning, organizing, remembering, flexible problem solving, self-monitoring, and emotional self-regulation. Meltzer and her colleagues have also developed the SMARTS Executive Function curriculum designed to help middle and high school students who have weak executive skills.
Here are a few other sources to learn more about the connection between executive skills and reading comprehension:
Why Executive Function is a Vital Stepping-Stone For Kids’ Ability to Learn: blog article at KQED News
The Reading Brain: Executive Function Hard at Work: article at LDA of America website
5 Ways Executive Functioning Issues Can Impact Reading: article at the Understood for Learning and Attention website
Vint Hill Educational Services offers academic coaching for students who have difficulty getting motivated, staying focused, or keeping up in school. With backgrounds in counseling, mentoring, teaching, and special education, our coaches are highly experienced at working with youth and helping students overcome a wide spectrum of challenges.
Academic coaching is especially beneficial for individuals with attentional problems, low executive functioning, or learning or cognitive disabilities—though it is also valuable for those struggling to deal with the ordinary stressors of understanding complex information, planning assignments, studying for exams, or transitioning to college. Students who work with an academic coach typically require guidance and assistance in:
· Getting and staying organized
· Planning coursework and managing time effectively
· Starting and completing schoolwork
· Studying and reading with proficiency
· Managing stress, anxiety, and distractibility
· Balancing academic and personal responsibilities
· Preparing for tests
Our coaches complete assessments to identify the student’s challenges, strengths, goals, and learning style. They then create customized plans that integrate a variety of tools and techniques to help build confidence and improve school performance. Strategies include positive reinforcement, setting achievable goals, optimizing skills, breaking down tasks, creating a supportive environment, and tracking progress.
We select the best coach for your child and provide a coach profile for you to review and approve. The coach matching process considers the coach’s education, experience, and personality, as well as the student’s issues, schedule, and preferred location (e.g., home, office, public library). Each session is one hour in length and one-to-one for individualized support. Parents receive access to our online Teachworks system, allowing them to review coaching session notes, receive session email reminders, and keep track of used and remaining session hours. For more info, click here.
Learning Gaps due to COVID-19
Educators Identify Learning
Gaps due to COVID-19
More than half of public K-12 educators say the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant loss of both academic and social-emotional learning for students, according to a March 2021 Horace Mann Educators Corporation (NYSE:HMN) report.
The report, Closing the Learning Gap, shares insights from the March 2021 Horace Mann Voice of the Educator Study, which surveyed nearly 1,000 U.S. K-12 educators to gain insight into the educational challenges caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the findings:
Over 97% of educators reported loss of learning by their students over the past year when compared with children in previous years.
A majority (57%) of educators estimated their students are behind by more than three months in their social-emotional learning progress.
When asked what the biggest obstacle to return to a “normal” education environment was, nearly half (47%) of educators cited a wider gap between academically struggling and high-performing students.
“For 75 years, Horace Mann has been dedicated to helping educators achieve lifelong financial success, driven by our desire to help those who are taking care of our children,” said Horace Mann President and CEO Marita Zuraitis. “That appreciation and respect has only deepened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educators are working harder than ever to meet the needs of their students through an environment of constant change, and we are inspired by their enduring commitment to help each student reach their full potential.”
The good news for students is the 2021-2022 school year has strong potential to look more like a pre-pandemic learning environment. Teachers are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines in all 50 states. The Centers for Disease Control lessened social distancing requirements to three feet from six feet for students in most classroom settings, a development largely expected to spur more schools to re-open. Several manufacturers are testing their vaccines on children and expect to release clinical trial results over the summer.
With that in mind, educators have a wealth of ideas to best support students’ progress going forward:
53% see a need for a narrower focus on grade-level standards to ensure students learn the most important concepts for their grade level.
34% would like more paraprofessionals to provide targeted support to struggling students.
30% requested access to more social-emotional learning resources to help students process the events of the past year.
In the Horace Mann study, teachers stressed the need for transparency and involvement in workplace decisions as administrators weigh how to adjust academic practices and curriculum. Many educators emphasized the need for flexibility in adapting to the ever-changing challenges of the pandemic, and patience as teachers, administrators, students and parents navigate an environment none of them have ever faced before.
“In the midst of the upheaval of the 2020-2021 school year, 93% of educators said they were proud of how they adapted their teaching to meet the needs of students, whether in a remote, hybrid or socially distanced in-person learning environment,” said Horace Mann National Business Solutions Executive Kelly Ruwe. “Teachers’ experience on the front lines will be invaluable in charting the way forward: Surfacing new issues that need to be addressed, sharing successful approaches, and advising how our communities can band together to help our children succeed.”
The full report, “Closing the Learning Gap: How frontline educators want to address lost learning due to COVID-19” is available at horacemann.com/closing-the-learning-gap. And for information on ways VHES can help your child catch up in their studies, please visit our website.
Follow VHES on social media, where we regularly post the latest on SAT and ACT test dates, registration processes, exam tips, study skills, and other valuable tools for staying informed and moving forward with your academic goals. And please share these links with those you think would benefit from our services and suggestions. We thank you for your continued support and are always available to answer your questions.
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Combat the “Covid-19 Slide”
How Tutoring Programs Can Combat the “Covid-19 Slide”
The current pandemic has led to unprecedented disruptions in student learning in the United States. Remote learning, decreased instruction time, and fewer opportunities for personalized interactions with teachers have set the stage for widespread learning loss, also referred to as the “Covid-19 slide.” These risks are greatest for low-income students, students of color, and students who were already in need of additional support before schools closed their doors. As the education system works to stabilize and adapt, addressing learning loss must stay at the forefront of the conversation. Policy and education officials must be proactive in identifying strategies to combat the growth of preexisting inequities and gaps in educational access and achievement. Rigorous research indicates that tutoring — supplemental one-on-one or small group instruction — may be one of the most effective tools they can employ.
J-PAL North America’s new publication, “The transformative potential of tutoring for PreK-12 learning outcomes: Lessons from randomized evaluations,” summarizes a meta-analysis of 96 randomized evaluations of different tutoring programs. Drawing primarily from research in high-income countries, this publication examines the effectiveness of tutoring programs across a variety of characteristics, including tutor type, subject, student grade, and others. The meta-analysis finds that tutoring programs have consistently large, positive impacts on students across this range of program aspects. The magnitude and consistency of the findings point to tutoring as one of the most agreed-upon and impactful tools available to educators for improving student learning.
The review identifies valuable insights and trends across five categories.
Program effectiveness: Across all studies included in this analysis, tutoring programs consistently lead to large improvements in learning outcomes for students, with an overall pooled effect size of 0.37 standard deviations. (Effect sizes greater than 0.3 standard deviations are considered to be large impacts, especially in the context of education interventions.) This impact translates to a student advancing from the 50th percentile to nearly the 66th percentile.
Tutor type: Tutoring programs led by teacher or paraprofessional tutors are generally more effective than programs that use nonprofessional (volunteer) or parent tutors. Paraprofessional tutors include, among others, non-teacher school staff, undergraduate and graduate students in education, and service corps fellows. Paraprofessional programs led to positive effects of nearly the same magnitude as teacher programs and were more consistent in their outcomes. This presents a potentially cost-effective option for highly impactful programming.
Student grade level: The effects of tutoring programs tend to be strongest among students in earlier grades, although a smaller set of programs at the secondary level was also found to be effective at improving learning outcomes.
Subject material: While overall effects for math and reading tutoring programs are similar, reading tutoring tends to be relatively more effective for students in preschool through first grade, while math tutoring tends to be more effective for students in second through fifth grade.
Time and location of tutoring: Tutoring programs conducted during school tend to have larger impacts than those conducted after school. Many programs shown to have weaker effects used parents as tutors or took place in an after-school program. Researchers hypothesize that it is difficult to ensure that tutoring actually occurs in these settings.
This publication is meant to serve as a resource for supporting student learning and minimizing the growth of academic disparities during the Covid-19 slide. In addition to highlighting tutoring as an effective educational tool, it also identifies meaningful trends to inform how tutoring programming can be implemented most effectively. Finally, the publication outlines key open questions about how to effectively scale tutoring programs, support older students, and make tutoring accessible to the students who need it most. J-PAL North America is seeking to answer some of these questions through their COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Initiative.
We also invite you to explore how Vint Hill Educational Services can help if you need greater flexibility in the how, when, and where of your educational journey. We have a consistent record and demonstrated success of helping students improve their grades, scores, and overall academic functioning. In addition, all our programs are taught by highly qualified teachers and tutors. You can find out more about us by visiting our website or calling us directly at 540-680-4004. We're always happy to talk with you about your options and how we can help.
Help Your Kids Focus
For families navigating the challenges of the coronavirus era, it can seem a bit like a play in three acts — only in this case, all the acts are happening at once. You are a parent, you are a teacher and you are a professional — all at the same time. Understandably, things don’t always go smoothly. The novelty of having school at home may be wearing a bit thin. So, how do we keep our kids academically engaged — and happy about it?
ACT/SAT: Should I retest?
Did you know improving by just a single test point can be worth thousands of dollars in financial aid for your college education? The SAT'/ACT® test is important to your future—and can open up new opportunities for college and career.
If, after getting your scores, you’re thinking of retaking the SAT/ACT, consider these important questions and factors.