By following these seven tips and creating a strategic schedule for SAT and ACT testing, you can approach the exams with confidence and maximize your chances of success. Remember to stay focused, stay motivated, and trust in your preparation efforts. You've got this!
What To Do Summer Before Junior Year of High School
PSAT Test and SAT Overview
The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test that 11th graders (and some 10th graders) take in October. Like the SAT, it measures the knowledge and skills in reading, writing, and math students learn in the classroom—the same knowledge and skills your child needs to succeed in college and career.
Fast Facts
The primary date for the 2021 PSAT/NMSQT was Wednesday, October 13, while some students took the test on Saturday, October 16 or Tuesday, October 26. See more PSAT/NMSQT test dates.
Students sign up for the PSAT/NMSQT at their school—not online. See how homeschooled students can sign up and take the test at a local school.
By taking the PSAT/NMSQT as a junior, students may meet the requirements to enter the National Merit® Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. Additionally, the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10 connect students to another $300 million in college scholarships for students across major demographics. Learn more about the scholarships.
The PSAT/NMSQT has three parts: the Reading Test, the Writing and Language Test, and the Math Test. See what's on the test.
PSAT/NMSQT scores are available online in December. Here's how your child can see their scores.
We never send PSAT/NMSQT scores to colleges.
If your child qualifies for a PSAT/NMSQT fee waiver, they take the test for free. After they take the PSAT/NMSQT, your child may also be eligible for other fee waiver benefits, including 2 free SATs, unlimited free SAT score sends to colleges, waived college application fees at participating colleges and more. Learn more about fee waivers.
Why the PSAT/NMSQT Is Important
When your child takes the PSAT/NMSQT, they open the door to more benefits than you might think.
It connects students to more than $300 million in scholarships, including the National Merit® Scholarship Program. If your child opts into our free Student Search Service®, scholarship providers will invite them to apply.
It's excellent practice for the SAT. Both tests measure the same knowledge and skills and ask the same types of questions, so PSAT/NMSQT takers will know what to expect on the SAT.
It's the first step to a free, personalized SAT study plan. Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy® uses your child's PSAT/NMSQT score to create a customized SAT study plan with sample questions that focus on areas where they need help.
It shows student progress on the road to college. The PSAT/NMSQT is part of the SAT Suite of Assessments, a series of tests beginning in eighth grade that shows your child and their teachers whether your child is on track for college.
It shows which Advanced Placement Program® (AP) courses your child is ready for. The PSAT/NMSQT Score Report indicates which college-level AP courses your child has the potential to succeed in.
Read More About It
For Students: Scholarships and Recognition
About the SAT Suite of Assessments
Parent's Guide to Official SAT Practice
For Students: Discover Your AP Potential
How to Sign Up
The only way your child can sign up for the PSAT/NMSQT is through their high school. Each school's signup process differs, so your child should talk to their school counselor to learn more.
Some students pay a small fee to take the PSAT/NMSQT, but many students have test-related fees covered in full or in part by their school. If your child qualifies for a PSAT/NMSQT fee waiver, they test for free. For more information, talk to your child's school counselor.
Read More About It
Learn About the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10
PSAT/NMSQT Fee Waivers
How to Practice
The best way your child can prepare for the PSAT/NMSQT is to pay attention in their high school classes and study the course material. Students who do well in school are likely to do well on the PSAT/NMSQT.
Because the PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT focus on the same subject areas and ask the same types of questions, your child can use Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy to practice for the PSAT/NMSQT. It's a free, interactive study tool that provides a personalized practice plan that focuses on exactly what your child needs to stay on track for college.
Your child can download and print official PSAT/NMSQT practice tests.
PSAT/NMSQT scores range from 320 to 1520 and are on the same score scale as the SAT. This means that a score of 1100 on the PSAT/NMSQT is equivalent to a score of 1100 on the SAT. The only difference is that SAT scores range from 400 to 1600, because the difficulty level of the questions is higher than on the PSAT/NMSQT.
After your child takes the October PSAT/NMSQT, their scores will be available online in mid-December. If your child has a College Board online account, they'll get an email saying their scores are ready to view on the Student Score Reports website. If they don't, they can talk to their school counselor to get their scores.
Who Sees PSAT/NMSQT Scores
We don't send PSAT/NMSQT scores to colleges. We only send your child’s PSAT/NMSQT score to:
Their school (always), school district (often), and state (often)
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Select scholarship and recognition programs (your child may opt out of)
If you want to log in yourself to see your child's score report, use the email and password your child used when they set up their College Board online account.
Once your child gets their score report, they should sit down with you and go over it. That way, you both know what to focus on to be ready for college. Score reports also indicate suitable AP or grade-level courses to take in the future.
Read More About It
For Students: Understanding Scores
For Students: Who Sees Your Scores
Student Search Service
PSAT and SAT Tutoring
“We were happy because this program focuses on the individual. After our daughter did the mock practice tests, it was discovered she only needed SAT math tutoring. The in person 1 on 1 prep got her up 210 SAT math points!
— Leslie N. (Washington, DC)
Reading – 65 minutes (52 questions)
Writing and Language – 35 minutes (44 questions)
10 minute break
Math – No calculator – 25 minutes (20 questions)
Math – Calculator allowed – 55 minutes (38 questions)
On the SAT, students will have an average of 1 minute and 10 seconds to answer each question. This includes the multiple-choice questions and the math grid-in questions. This varies drastically from the ACT, which gives students an average of 49 seconds per question. The format is similar to the ACT; however, there are two SAT math sections and no dedicated science section like the ACT. There is no penalty for answering incorrectly. Therefore, students should answer every multiple-choice question. Students can only gain points on the SAT, so it’s important not to leave any questions unanswered. The SAT contains four answer choices, instead of five, which was seen on the old SAT. A new SAT report will encompass a math section with a scale score of 200-800 and a reading/writing section with a scale score of 200-800. The overall combined scale score will be 400-1600.
SAT Reading
The new SAT will focus more on academic achievement. The College Board is eliminating sentence completions from the new SAT and increasing the presence of tier 2 vocabulary. All of the SAT reading passages will be considered “long” as the College Board got rid of the shorter passages. Students will need to be skilled at citing evidence, extracting information, analyzing structure, and purpose. The new SAT reading section will include a pair of related passages and questions will ask students to draw connections.
SAT Math
The new SAT math section will focus heavily on algebra. The College Board added a sub-score to the new SAT report titled “Heart of Algebra.” Geometry will be de-emphasized, while algebra will be the main focus. There will be more real-world math problems, for example, how to leave a calculated tip at a restaurant. The new SAT will include trigonometry for the first time. Both the ACT and SAT will now contain trigonometry. Formulas are provided on the SAT, unlike the ACT, and there will be the introduction of a no calculator math section.
SAT Writing and Language
The SAT writing and language section will test students editing and revising skills. They will need to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, and punctuation. There will be at least one informational graphic on the SAT reading and writing section. This section will be similar to the ACT English section.
We offer SAT prep throughout the Washington DC area, Northern VA area, Richmond VA area, Fredericksburg VA area, Charlottesville VA area, Raleigh NC area, and Charlotte NC area. We will have a SAT tutor come to your home for one-to-one instruction. We will review previous SAT practice test scores or official SAT scores to determine the area of focus. We can also email out a SAT practice test to take at home and provide an analysis for a customized SAT prep program.
Contact us to learn more about our SAT prep program or choose a package from below.
12-Hour SAT Prep Package $1,500.00
18-Hour SAT Prep Package $2,070.00
24-Hour SAT Prep Package $2,520.00
36-Hour SAT Prep Package $3,420.00
Summer ACT/SAT Preparation
Test prep in the summer prior to junior year isn’t for all students, but it’s a good idea for those students who are targeting an early fall test date in their junior year, as well as those who feel that they need extra help in certain subject areas before taking a first test later in their junior year. The first step is to take baseline diagnostic tests for both the SAT and the ACT to determine which test is best for you. Once you have baseline scores, a tutor will work with you to determine an appropriate test date to target as well as to develop a testing plan.
Avoid These 4 End-of-Junior-Year Mistakes!
What is the Average SAT Score?
What is the Average SAT Score?
When people talk about average SAT scores, they usually have three scores in mind: the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) score, the Math score, and the composite, or total, score.
You’ll see other scores on your SAT score report that measure how well you performed in specific areas of ERW or Math, but to keep things simple, this post focuses on the big three: ERW, Math, and total.
To learn more about all the SAT scores, visit the Score Structure page.
SAT Section Scores and Total Scores
The SAT has two required sections: ERW and Math. Each section is scored on a scale of 200–800, so when you take the test, you’ll get two section scores—one for ERW and one for Math.
You’ll also get a total score. This is your ERW score plus your Math score. Total scores range from 400 to 1600.
Calculating the SAT Average
The national average, or mean, SAT scores for a graduating class are calculated by adding up the scores of every student in that class who took the SAT and dividing by the number of test takers.
SAT Score National Averages for the Class of 2021
ERW: 533
Math: 528
Total SAT score: 1061
SAT Averages vs. SAT Percentiles
The national average SAT scores show you whether scores are trending up or down compared to previous years. But they don’t tell you much about your own scores.
National percentiles, on the other hand, show you where you stand in relation to other students. They range from 1 to 99 and indicate the percentage of students who scored the same as or lower than you. So the higher your percentile, the better you did.
You’ll see two types of percentiles on your score report: the nationally representative sample percentile and the SAT user percentile.
The sample percentile compares your score to the predicted scores if all students were to take the SAT. Because some students, like those not planning on going to college, may not take the SAT, we conduct research studies to estimate what their scores would be.
The user percentile compares your score to the actual scores of recent high school graduates who took the SAT during high school. If your percentile is 75, that means your score is as high or higher than the scores of 75% of students who took the SAT.
Because your user percentile shows how you performed compared to other students who may be applying to the same colleges you are, it can help you decide whether to try to improve your score by taking the test again.
How to Improve Your SAT Score
If you’re not happy with your SAT results, try working with an SAT tutor and improving your study tools before retaking the test. Research shows that just 12-18 hours of SAT tutoring could help your total score go up an average of 120 points.
Remember: SAT scores are just one thing colleges look at when deciding who to admit. Your grades, after-school activities, letters of recommendation, etc., give colleges a more complete picture of who you are.
2022 Mock Test Dates
with a Live Virtual Proctor
VHES offers online mock SAT and ACT tests Saturdays at 9:00 am through Lessonspace, a teaching platform that enables our proctors to oversee virtual exams and gauge students' test readiness. Upon registering for mock tests, students will receive a test packet in the mail that includes the following:
ACT/SAT answer sheet
ACT/SAT test booklet
Testing instructions
Please sign up no later than Monday during the week of the mock test. The day before each test, students will receive an emailed link to join the virtually proctored test.
Upon completion of the test, parents and students receive a 9-page diagnostic report showing how the student is performing in each dimension of the SAT or ACT. This detailed report is used to establish a baseline score, is the basis for test-prep planning, and is instrumental in helping us customize a tutoring program that addresses the most pertinent test sections. For students taking both the ACT and SAT, we also provide a concordance chart with test recommendations. See what our baseline test reports look like: ACT and SAT. There is a $25 test registration fee.
Register for a mock test by clicking on a specific test date below.
Mock ACT test dates:
April 16, 2022
May 21, 2022
Mock SAT test dates:
April 9, 2022
May 14, 2022
ACT vs. SAT: Key Differences
The results of standardized tests have quite an influence on the decisions the universities and colleges make in relation to student admissions. Two major test types are the ACT and the SAT. If you are thinking of enrolling in university, chances are you will have to take one of the tests. But, which one should you? What is the ACT? What is the difference between SAT and ACT? Read on to find out!
We offer one-to-one in-home test prep which encompasses all subject areas. This is ideal for students looking to achieve the largest score increases. Tutoring sessions are customized based upon the student’s strengths and weaknesses, which are revealed by having the student take one of our practice baseline tests or by submitting official score reports from previous tests. Our 36-hour program includes unlimited full-length practice test reports, unlimited course books, session notes for parents, and weekly homework assignments. Virtual prep is available through Lessonspace. Tutors can also meet students at our offices, local libraries, outdoor parks, or nearby coffee shops. *Our test prep tutors must pass ACT/SAT/SSAT/ISEE/HSPT diagnostic tests before being hired. We hand-pick the best tutor for your child based upon our matching process.
Rules on SAT Test Day
What to Expect on SAT Test Day
All test centers follow the same procedures and rules, which you should get familiar with before test day.
SAT Essay
If you're unsure about taking the SAT Essay, you may be able to remove or add it on test day with your coordinator's permission—if test materials, rooms, and staff are available. If you‘re able to switch on test day, there may be fees (or even a refund). Learn about changing your registration information.
On test day, bring a face covering and wear it as directed by the test center. Remember to also practice social distancing at all times.
Be prepared to answer questions about your health prior to entering the test center. If you feel sick the day of your test, please stay home and contact customer service for your options. You won’t be charged a change or cancellation fee if you stay home due to illness.
Check your test center's website for any additional or specific entry requirements it may have. If you're traveling to test, it's your responsibility to know and follow any quarantine requirements or travel restrictions in the location where you're testing. Test centers may require proof that you've followed quarantine requirements and/or travel restrictions at check-in.
Get the latest SAT covid-19 updates and information during this time.
Check for Test Center Closings
Monitor test center closings in the days leading up to your test and the day of your test to make sure your test center hasn't changed or closed.
We also recommend you check directly with the test center, including the test center's website, on the morning of the test.
Doors Open at 7:45 a.m.
All test centers open at 7:45 a.m. and doors close at 8 a.m., unless otherwise noted on your admission ticket. You cannot be admitted once testing has started. If you're late or absent on test day, you can reschedule. We recommend rescheduling as opposed to reregistering—it will cost less. Find out more about changing your registration information. We are currently waiving all change fees.
Make sure you show up with everything you need.
Testing Starts Between 8:30 and 9 a.m.
Your seat is assigned, not chosen by you. Wait to be seated. Here’s what will happen next:
The test coordinator will read all instructions verbatim from a manual and can answer questions only about procedure, not about test questions or content.
The test coordinator will tell you when to start and stop working on each section.
You must work within each section of the test only for the time allotted.
You may not go back to a section once that section has ended.
You may not go ahead to a new section if you finish a section early.
Do not skip sections. Doing so may result in score cancellation, delays, or both.
After the test is finished, the test coordinator will collect and count the test books to make sure all materials have been turned in before dismissing you from the testing room.
Don’t be surprised if your test experience isn’t exactly like that of the student sitting next to you. The sections in your test book might be different.
For most students, there is one 10-minute and one five-minute break during the test, the only times you can eat and drink.
Keep your ID and admission ticket with you at all times. They’ll be checked every time you enter the testing room.
Test books, answer sheets, and calculators must remain on your desk during breaks.
You can't use this time to power up devices, like cell phones—if you do, your scores will be canceled.
If you take the SAT with Essay, you’ll likely be done testing around 1 p.m. If you’re not taking the essay, you’ll likely be done around noon.
We mention cell phones and electronics often, and for good reason. Your scores will be canceled if you don’t follow the rules around devices.
Things to keep in mind:
Test administration staff reserves the right to collect and hold cell phones and other prohibited electronic devices during the test administration, including during break periods.
If your device makes noise, or if you are seen using it, or if you attempt to access it at any time, including breaks, you will be dismissed immediately, your scores can be canceled, and the device may be confiscated.
The College Board is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items, including electronic devices, while you are in the test center.
Test Prep Deals
Buy Any Test-Prep Package, Get 3 Hours Free
Jan 2, 11:39 AM – Apr 30, 11:39 AM
Prep with us for a spring ACT or SAT and receive 3 one-to-one test prep hours for free when you purchase a 12-hour package ($345 value). Please contact us to learn more by clicking the link below.
Contact us to schedule a 20-minute test prep phone consultation. We can also help decide on which test to take, ACT or SAT. After we provide our recommendation, we’ll hand-pick the best tutor for your student. Sessions can be held in-person or virtually through Lessonspace.
We are here to support! As we handle the academics, this gives you time to ensure they are ready for “the world”.
Spring 2021 SAT Test Day
What to Expect on SAT Test Day this Spring
As the spring SAT administration dates approach, we want to lessen the uncertainty that has resulted from the coronavirus. One way we can do this is by making sure you know what to expect leading up to test day.
Health and safety
Our top priorities are the health and safety of students and educators. Local schools and test centers make individual decisions about whether to administer the SAT. All weekend test centers must adhere to local public health guidelines and follow College Board requirements. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
You’ll need to bring a mask or protective face covering and will be required to wear it when you enter the test center and throughout the duration of testing. We recommend you bring a spare. You won't be allowed into the testing center unless you are wearing one. (Take a full-length practice test while wearing a mask before test day to prepare yourself for the test day experience.)
You’ll be required by test centers to be seated at least 6 feet away from other students.
Check your test center’s website for any additional health and safety measures so you’ll be prepared to follow them.
If you feel sick the day of your test, stay home. Contact customer service on the next business day for your options. You won’t be charged a change or cancellation fee if you stay home because you’re sick.
If we receive a report of a positive covid-19 case from someone at your test center, we will notify students and staff present on test day as well as local health authorities. Your information may be shared for contact tracing purposes if necessary.
To comply with local and College Board health and safety regulations, be ready to agree to the following when entering the test center or testing room:
You don’t have covid-19 or reason to believe you have covid-19. Symptoms include cough, fever, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, and recent loss of taste or smell.
In the past 14 days, you haven’t come into close contact—within 6 feet—of someone who tested positive for or is presumed to have covid-19.
To your knowledge, you aren’t violating any travel restrictions or quarantining requirements.
You promise to wear a mask the entire time you’re at this test site and follow instructions from testing staff.
By entering the testing center and testing room, you accept the risk of covid-19 exposure. Although we’ve taken measures to create a safe environment, it’s impossible to remove all risk.
You should also check your test center's website for any additional or specific entry requirements it may have.
If you're traveling to test, it's your responsibility to know and follow any quarantine requirements or travel restrictions in the location where you're testing. Test centers may require proof that you've followed quarantine requirements and/or travel restrictions at check-in.
Students who violate requirements put in place by their test center or College Board will be dismissed from the test center, their scores will be cancelled, and they will not receive a refund.
Communicating with you about test center closures and reduced capacity
Many locations will have reduced capacity because of social distancing guidelines. Unfortunately, we expect many test centers to encounter full or partial closures. We’re checking with test centers and asking them to report closures or reduced capacity as early as possible to ensure students are informed and to reduce uncertainty ahead of test day.
We’ll communicate changes about your test center’s status as quickly as possible. Students who are being moved to a different test center and students whose registrations are being canceled because a test center decides to close or reduce capacity will be directly notified by College Board. Be aware that there may be a delay between the test center closing and the email notification. In the days leading up to each test, we’ll give updates about test center closures as often as possible. We also suggest you check directly with the test center, and visit the test center’s website, the day before and morning of the test.
While your status in My SAT will be updated as frequently as possible, there may be delay with last-minute closings. Test centers may have closed or rescheduled to a makeup date at the last minute, even if there is still an active admission ticket. Please check this page, your email, and the test center's website the night before and the morning of the test, especially if you're planning to travel to your test center.
We may need to get in touch with you if your test center makes the decision to close or reduce capacity between now and test day. Check your emails every day, and if you are in the U.S. opt in to receive texts. Here's how you can make sure we're able to contact you.
What to do if your SAT registration is canceled
Visit our website to register for a future test date. If you can’t find a seat at a nearby test center for your preferred date, be sure to check out other test dates.
See upcoming SAT dates here.
We know the virus has heightened the stress of applying to college for many. Colleges and universities understand that due to covid there are limited opportunities for students to take the SAT. Most aren't requiring test scores for the upcoming admissions cycle, and they’re rightfully extending deadlines and/or accepting scores after deadlines pass for students who choose to submit them. You can check college websites to get the most accurate information on their policies and deadlines.
Receive 3 Free One-To-One Test Prep Hours
Prep with us for a spring ACT or SAT and receive 3 prep hours for free, when you purchase a 12-hour package ($345 value).
Contact us to schedule a 20-minute test prep phone consultation. We can also help decide on which test to take, ACT or SAT. After we provide our recommendation, we’ll hand-pick the best tutor for your student. Sessions can be held in-person or virtually through Lessonspace.
Vint Hill Educational Services offers mock tests for the ACT and SAT. These are taken in a group setting to simulate the testing environment. For the ACT and SAT, we will review the scores to see which test the student is scoring higher on. Since all colleges and universities accept both tests, it's beneficial to know if your child is scoring higher on the ACT or SAT. Check out our ACT versus SAT comparison chart for test differences. Sometimes the difference is like night and day, and for others, it may be a hairline higher on one versus the other. The student won't know which test is better, unless the individual takes one of each. We'll use our score concordance chart in order to make a test recommendation.
Register for a mock ACT by clicking on a specific test date below.
Mock ACT test dates:
Register for a mock SAT by clicking on a specific test date below. :
Mock SAT test dates:
We also offer one-to-one mock testing at our offices. This consists of a full-length practice test for your child. Tests include: ACT, SAT, PSAT, SSAT, ISEE, HSPT, and SAT Subject Tests. We provide the test booklet, essay booklet, answer sheet, testing timer, calculator, and pencils.
We can send parents a practice test as well, to administer to their student in-home. We will send out a free practice test packet along with proctoring instructions. Parents must send the answer sheet back to us via email or mail.
No More SAT Essays
College Board Will No Longer Offer
SAT Subject Tests or SAT with Essay
As students and colleges adapt to new realities and changes to the college admissions process, College Board is ensuring its programs adapt with them and is making some changes to reduce demands on students. College Board is no longer offering SAT Subject Tests in the U.S.. Because SAT Subject Tests are used internationally for a wider variety of purposes, College Board will provide two more administrations, in May and June of 2021, for international students.
Students currently registered for an upcoming Subject Test in the U.S. will automatically have their registration canceled and fees refunded.
Students who are currently registered for, or plan to register for, an upcoming Subject Test outside the U.S. can still test through the June 2021 administration. Students who no longer want to take Subject Tests can contact College Board’s Customer Service to cancel and receive a refund.
College Board will also discontinue the optional SAT Essay after the June 2021 administration.
Students who are currently registered, or plan to register, for an upcoming SAT with Essay will still be able to test through the June 2021 administration. Students who prefer to cancel the optional Essay portion of their SAT can do so in their online account, with no change fees, until the registration deadline.
After June 2021, the Essay will only be available in states where it’s required as part of SAT School Day administrations. Students scheduled to take the SAT on a school day should check with their school about whether the Essay will be included.
Writing remains essential to college readiness and the SAT will continue to measure writing and editing skills, but there are other ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of essay writing, and the SAT will continue to measure writing throughout the test. The tasks on the SAT Reading and Writing and Language sections are among the most effective and predictive parts of the SAT.
What is the current 2021 SAT administration schedule?
You can find SAT test dates and deadlines here.
When will registration open for fall 2021 and spring 2022 SAT administrations?
Registration for fall 2021 and spring 2022 will open in June 2021.
Why is College Board discontinuing SAT Subject Tests?
To reduce demands on students. The expanded reach of AP and its widespread availability means the Subject Tests are no longer necessary for students to show what they know.
What should I do if I’m already registered for or was planning to take SAT Subject Tests?
Students in the U.S. who registered for the May and/or June 2021 Subject Tests will automatically have their registrations canceled and fees refunded. No further action is needed. If you were planning to submit Subject Test scores, check directly with the colleges you plan to apply to for alternative ways to strengthen your applications.
Students outside the U.S. can still take SAT Subject Tests in May and/or June 2021. Check with the colleges you plan to apply to for their SAT Subject Test policy so you can decide whether Subject Test scores will be valuable to you. If you no longer want to take Subject Tests, you can contact Customer Service to cancel your registration and get a refund or change your registration to take the SAT. The best way to contact Customer Service is to call +1-212-713-7789 (international). Customer Service hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. If you can’t call, email customer service at sat@info.collegeboard.organd be sure to include the following information: test month, test year, first name, last name, full address, date of birth, and name of school.
When will registration for international students who want to take Subject Tests in May and June be cut off?
International SAT and SAT Subject Tests Administration dates and deadlines can be found here.
Why do international students still get to take SAT Subject Tests through June, but U.S. students don’t?
Subject Tests are used internationally for a wider variety of purposes, such as advanced standing/placement at universities and local credential equivalences for entering colleges and/or as credentials for international students planning to study in some countries.
I’ve already taken SAT Subject Tests. Will colleges still accept those scores?
College Board has reached out to its member colleges, and they’ll decide whether and how to consider students’ Subject Test scores. Students should check colleges’ websites for the most up-to-date information on their application policies.
How long will score sending for SAT Subject Tests be an option?
Students can continue sending their Subject Test scores.
How can I show my skills in specific subject areas without the opportunity to take SAT Subject Tests?
College Board has continued to enrich and expand access to AP courses, which let students showcase their skills through challenging coursework. Many colleges already use AP course participation and exam scores as indicators of a student’s ability and interest in a particular subject area. And colleges also have access to information about student performance in key subject areas through their SAT scores, high school transcript, course selection, and other measures. Check directly with the colleges you plan to apply to for alternative ways to strengthen your applications.
Why is College Board discontinuing the optional SAT Essay?
College Board is adapting to respond to the changing needs of students and colleges. This change simply streamlines the process for students who have other, more relevant opportunities to show they can write an essay as part of the work they’re already doing on their path to college.
What should I do if I’m already registered for or was planning to take the optional SAT Essay?
Students can still take the optional SAT with Essay through the June 2021 administration. Check with the colleges you plan to apply to for their SAT Essay policy so you can decide whether taking the optional SAT Essay will be valuable to you. If you no longer want to take the optional Essay portion of your SAT, you can cancel in your online account, with no change fees, until the registration deadline. For information on how to add the Essay to your SAT registration, click here. visit
Will colleges still consider Essay scores if I submit them?
Check with the colleges you’re interested in about their policies. If you take the SAT with Essay, colleges may consider your scores as part of their holistic review process. Students registered for the SAT with Essay can cancel the Essay portion if they choose to.
For more information on this development, please visit the official College Board websitehere.
Mock ACT/SAT Test Dates
with a Live Virtual Proctor
VHES offers online mock SAT and ACT tests Saturdays at 9:00 am through Lessonspace, a teaching platform that enables our proctors to oversee virtual exams and gauge students' test readiness. Upon registering for mock tests, students will receive a test packet in the mail that includes the following:
ACT/SAT answer sheet
ACT/SAT test booklet
ACT/SAT essay prompt
Four pages of lined paper
Testing instructions
The ACT/SAT essay is optional. Students interested in taking the essay will continue with the test after the final multiple-choice section (ACT Science or SAT Math). Please sign up no later than Monday during the week of the mock test. The day before each test, students will receive an emailed link to join the virtually proctored test.
Upon completion of the test, parents and students receive a 9-page diagnostic report showing how the student is performing in each dimension of the SAT or ACT. This detailed report is used to establish a baseline score, is the basis for test-prep planning, and is instrumental in helping us customize a tutoring program that addresses the most pertinent test sections. For students taking both the ACT and SAT, we also provide a concordance chart with test recommendations. See what our baseline test reports look like: ACT and SAT. There is a $25 test registration fee.
Register for a mock test by clicking on a specific test date below.
Mock ACT test dates:
January 30, 2021
Mock SAT test dates:
February 13, 2021
Visit our Mock Testing page to learn more.
Learn more about our test prep program.
Find out how an academic coach can help.
Interested in pod tutoring? Contact us to learn more.
What this all means
Since that last day of school in March, 2020, our lives have been turned upside-down. We’ve all had to learn how to cope with staying at home when we want to go out, and students have had to learn to navigate new modes of learning through technology and virtual platforms. Now the pace is beginning to pick up, and this may leave some students behind either academically in general, or in their progress towards bigger goals such as college entrance, advanced diplomas, and career paths.
Vint Hill Education has always prided itself on working closely with students and families to find individual students’ strengths to meet the challenges of academic life, and our approach to these times is no different. We have always taken the time to communicate with parents and help shape learning plans so that the student’s needs are met and exceeded. And now more than ever, Vint Hill Education is ready and poised to offer support and guidance in navigating an ever-changing academic, test-prep, and college entrance environment. Our expertise can make the difference between a mediocre school year and one that is full of discoveries of new interests, approaches, and pursuits—truly the “silver-lining” of the Covid-19 school year.
See below or click here for more information on Virtual Tutoring, Pod Tutoring, Subject Tutoring and Academic Coaching, or Test Prep with our individualized, highly qualified, hand-picked tutors.
Virtual Tutoring
Vint Hill Educational Services offers virtual tutoring through our online learning center. No matter where you live, you can work with a qualified test prep or subject specialist tutor! We also offer virtual academic coaching for students who need help with organization and time management. Our virtual tutoring provides the same individualized attention as our regular services. Sessions are one-on-one and personalized to each student’s specific needs. And students who pursue virtual test prep with us receive a full set of course books, as well as tailored homework assignments, full practice tests, and diagnostic score reports generated by our test scoring software.
Virtual tutoring sessions are held through Lessonspace and integrated with our parent/student Teachworks portal. Families receive free access to an actual virtual tutoring platform. With the click of one link, students can easily join their online sessions. There is no software to download; Lessonspace simply utilizes your web browser to host sessions.
Lessonspace was created for the sole purpose of online tutoring, so it is more comprehensive than other online meeting programs when it comes to tutoring sessions. Tutors and students have access to a white board where they can upload reading passages, math problems, science diagrams, full-length practice tests, Spanish homework, history papers, or any other subject materials a tutor and student may need to share. Session image recording is included, so students have the ability to review wok from previous sessions. Materials uploaded to the white board can be accessed by both the tutor and the student for direct and immediate interaction and feedback.
Small Pod Tutoring
Vint Hill Educational Services offers small pod tutoring for grades K-12. Students can work with a tutor in a small group setting of 2-5 students. Sessions can take place at our offices, a local library, in student homes, at public facilities, or virtually through Lessonspace. The students in the pod should be enrolled in the same class or currently studying the same subject. Multiple subjects can be covered in the same pod. Special pod tutoring rates apply. Please contact us to learn more.
Pod tutoring involves small groups working with a single tutor. Students must be taking the same class or studying the same subject. For test prep pod tutoring, the students must share similar baseline scores. Other tutors can be brought in if the students are studying multiple subjects. For example, the pod may work with a Spanish tutor on Monday, and then switch to working with a Chemistry tutor on Wednesday.
Pod tutoring allows for a small group to work together alongside their pod tutor. Questions and ideas are bounced off one another with the main instruction being provided by the pod tutor. Being in a pod, new concepts are instilled as a small group, and creativity is always encouraged. Students are comfortable asking questions and feel less nervous around their pod peers.
Pod tutoring is an alternative for one-to-one tutoring and families can save money by utilizing small pod tutoring. The tutoring expense is shared among the families taking part in the pod. Parents will receive session notes for their students, so they are constantly kept in the loop. For ACT, SAT, SSAT, ISEE, and HSPT test prep, students are required to have their own set of course books which VHES will provide.
Academic Coaching
Vint Hill Educational Services offers academic coaching for students who have difficulty getting motivated, staying focused, or keeping up in school. With backgrounds in counseling, mentoring, teaching, and special education, our coaches are highly experienced at working with youth and helping students overcome a wide spectrum of challenges.
Academic coaching is especially beneficial for individuals with attentional problems, low executive functioning, or learning or cognitive disabilities—though it is also valuable for those struggling to deal with the ordinary stressors of understanding complex information, planning assignments, studying for exams, or transitioning to college. Students who work with an academic coach typically require guidance and assistance in:
· Getting and staying organized
· Planning coursework and managing time effectively
· Starting and completing schoolwork
· Studying and reading with proficiency
· Managing stress, anxiety, and distractibility
· Balancing academic and personal responsibilities
· Preparing for tests
Our coaches complete assessments to identify the student’s challenges, strengths, goals, and learning style. They then create customized plans that integrate a variety of tools and techniques to help build confidence and improve school performance. Strategies include positive reinforcement, setting achievable goals, optimizing skills, breaking down tasks, creating a supportive environment, and tracking progress.
We select the best coach for your child and provide a coach profile for you to review and approve. The coach matching process considers the coach’s education, experience, and personality, as well as the student’s issues, schedule, and preferred location (e.g., home, office, public library). Each session is one hour in length and one-to-one for individualized support. Parents receive access to our online Teachworks system, allowing them to review coaching session notes, receive session email reminders, and keep track of used and remaining session hours.
Vint Hill Educational Services offers test preparation for the ACT, SAT, PSAT, SSAT, ISEE, HSPT, and SAT Subject Tests. Each session is one-to-one for individualized support. The tutor will assign one to two hours of test prep homework after each session. The sessions are ninety minutes in length and test prep materials are included. The tutor will focus on the student's weakest areas of the test. In order to ensure improvement, the student will continue to take full-length practice tests throughout the course. The student will also learn tips and test-taking strategies.
Register for a mock ACT by clicking on a specific test date below.
Mock ACT test dates:
Register for a mock SAT by clicking on a specific test date below. :
Mock SAT test dates:
We also offer one-to-one mock testing at our offices. This consists of a full-length practice test for your child. Tests include: ACT, SAT, PSAT, SSAT, ISEE, HSPT, and SAT Subject Tests. We provide the test booklet, essay booklet, answer sheet, testing timer, calculator, and pencils.
We can send parents a practice test as well, to administer to their student in-home. We will send out a free practice test packet along with proctoring instructions. Parents must send the answer sheet back to us via email or mail.
SAT Offered in Schools
For the class of 2021, the College Board has asked colleges to be flexible with students who have not had the opportunity to test, test late, or may have only tested once. In the longer term as the admissions process stabilizes post-covid-19, the College Board will support its higher education members as they transition back to all students having the opportunity to submit scores. Research shows the value of using SAT scores as one part of the admissions process.